What Charger do I need for my Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles (EVs) have become a driving force in the automotive world, and understanding the types of plugs they use is key to unlocking their full potential. In this guide, we’ll unravel the mystery behind the different types of EV plugs, how they function, the compatible chargers, and how Trio Leasing can facilitate the seamless integration of EVs into your private or business fleet, including arranging charging points.

1. Types of Electric Vehicle Plugs: A Closer Look

a. Type 1 (SAE J1772):

  • Found on many early EVs, this single-phase plug is common in the United States but is also present in some UK models.
  • Trio Leasing can help identify Type 1-compatible vehicles for your fleet.

b. Type 2 (Mennekes):

  • Widely used in Europe, the Type 2 plug supports both single and three-phase charging.
  • Trio Leasing offers insights into popular Type 2-equipped EV models suitable for your business or private use.

c. CCS (Combined Charging System):

  • Integrating both Type 2 and additional DC pins, CCS is capable of faster charging for longer journeys.
  • Trio Leasing can recommend vehicles equipped with CCS and suitable charging infrastructure.

d. CHAdeMO:

  • Commonly found in Japanese EVs, CHAdeMO is another fast-charging option.
  • Trio Leasing can guide you through the selection of vehicles compatible with CHAdeMO.

2. How Electric Vehicle Plugs Work: The Basics

a. Power Flow:

  • Understanding how electricity flows from the charger to the vehicle for efficient charging.
  • Trio Leasing provides resources on the technical aspects of EV charging.

b. Charging Levels:

  • Exploring the differences between Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast charging.
  • Trio Leasing ensures that your chosen EVs align with your preferred charging infrastructure.

3. Trio Leasing: Your Partner in Electric Mobility

a. Private Users:

  • Trio Leasing caters to individuals seeking electric vehicles, offering tailored solutions for home charging setups.

b. Business Fleets:

  • For businesses transitioning to electric fleets, Trio Leasing provides comprehensive support in vehicle selection and charging infrastructure setup.

4. Example EVs and Plugs in the UK

a. Nissan Leaf (Type 1 or CHAdeMO)

b. Tesla Model 3 (Type 2)

c. Hyundai Kona Electric (CCS)

As you embark on the electrification journey, Trio Leasing stands as your reliable partner. From helping you choose the right EVs for your needs to arranging the most suitable charging points, Trio Leasing ensures a seamless transition to a sustainable and cost-effective electric future.

For more information on Trio Leasing’s electric vehicle offerings and charging solutions, contact us today.


  • [Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1772 Standard]
  • [European Mennekes Standard]
  • [Combined Charging System (CCS)]
  • [CHAdeMO Association]